#PrayForYe Trends After Kanye West’s Twitter Meltdown
Twitter Prays For Kanye West After His Recent Breakdown Where He Revealed Kim Tried To ‘Lock Him Up’
Kanye West has got fans worried ever since his presidential run announcement. He’s been acting strange and his believed bipolar disorder seems to be affecting him a lot and his mental health is nothing to write about.
The Yeezy Gap entrepreneurer is gearing up for the release of his next album and also campaigning to be the next president of the United States.
But he’s been raising more concern about his mental instability. Ye’s recent campaign speech in South Carolina has caused more controversy than ever. Kanye revealed that he almost decided to abort his firstborn daughter North West.
He added that he will be at peace if his wife Kim Kardashian divorces him over the speech. And then last night, he went on a Twitter rant where he called out Kim Kardashian, his wife, for trying to fly a doctor to Wyoming to get him “locked up.”
West children will never do playboy west pic.twitter.com/HkhaDSFGxD
— ye (@kanyewest) July 21, 2020
He also shared his text messages with Kris Jenner, asking her if she was still avoiding his calls.
Ye’s most recent meltdown has got folks online praying for him. #PrayForYe has since been trending on Twitter.
See some reactions below:
There is nothing worse than people using Kanye’s situation as a form of comedy tonight. Please don’t. Instead of laughing at this man, please send a prayer or good energy that he gets better for the sake of his children. Thank you. #prayforYe
— Morally Corrupt Maria Resnick (@iammariaresnick) July 21, 2020
If the Kardashian’s truly give a flying fuck about Kanye then NONE of this shit better be on this new season of #KUWTK #PrayForYe
— Wayne’s World (@waynes_ambition) July 21, 2020
is this man okay?????? #PrayForYe pic.twitter.com/j4ZPVUKhmr
— abi
acab (@antigulfboys) July 21, 2020
Y’all really saying #PrayForYe and refusing to realize every time kanye does this he has an album coming out and he talks bad about slaves and makes black people look bad. Every time. He hates black people. He need to be more like calmye tbh. Fuck bill Cosby
— J (@YungJetPlane) July 21, 2020
If I see one black person buy this supposed @kanyewest album I’m gonna lose it more than I already have. Talking about #PrayForYe. Nigga are you praying for your own family? Let his family and friends pray for him. Clogging Jesus mainline with the foolishness
— ShavorLay (@Shavor_knowsNot) July 21, 2020
Can’t blame the kardashians for wanting Kanye to be arrested. (I assume a mental hygiene arrest-5150) he seems very unstable right now and could be a danger to his family. He needs stability and help ASAP! Mental health is no joke #PrayForYe
— inked cat mom
(@inkedcatmom) July 21, 2020
If yall really want the old Kanye back then yall would help him instead of bashing his name #PrayForYe pic.twitter.com/p8grE237g3
— Nayk† (@nayksburner) July 21, 2020
Mental health is not a joke. People who suffer from it cannot help themselves when they have an episode. They need love & support and a professional doctor. Don’t laugh, have compassion and try to understand…empathize. #prayforye
— Aimee Elizabeth (@aimeelong89) July 21, 2020
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