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Andrew Caldwell Beats Up Two White Racists That Called Him ‘Nigger’ – Video



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'I Am Delivert' Andrew Caldwell Beats Up Alleged White Supremacists In Viral Video

‘I Am Delivert’ Andrew Caldwell Beats Up Alleged White Supremacists In Viral Video

Andrew Caldwell, the gay man who made headlines sometimes back after saying that he prayed away his homosexuality and coined the phrase “I Am Deliver’t”, is currently in the news again.

Andrew got into a fist fight with two White men over the weekend, and he beat them both up. According to a witness who video’d the fight, Andrew was claiming that the men called him a “n*gg*r.”

The fight was caught on video and is currently making rounds on Twitter, the clip has been viewed hundred thousand times on the platform.

'I Am Delivert' Andrew Caldwell Beats Up Alleged White Supremacists In Viral Video 'I Am Delivert' Andrew Caldwell Beats Up Alleged White Supremacists In Viral Video

In the video, Andrew is seen fighting one of the men, and beating him up pretty badly. And while the fight is happening, you can hear gospel music playing from Andrews car – which was nearby.

Acccording to MTO, at one point, Andrew stopped beating his opponent, and began dancing to the music. But the Deliver’t star didn’t pause to dance for long.

He later continued putting hands on the alleged white supremacist, before walking back to his car and leaving the scene. Watch the viral clip below :

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