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Trump’s Daughter Tiffany Joins Blackout Tuesday Campaign With IG Post



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Tiffany Trump Participates In The Blackout Tuesday Campaign 

Tiffany Trump Participates In The Blackout Tuesday Campaign

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have sparked an outpouring of rage with many demanding for change using protests and riots.

And today, the music industry observed #BlackoutTuesday, though that quickly expanded past just music with everyone participating in the movement.

Donald Trump has created further division among Americans, even calling for “heavily armed military” to be deployed in the midst of the riots. Needless to say, despite his obsession with celebrity, he did not post anything for Blackout Tuesday, though no one expected him to.

Tiffany Trump Participates In The Blackout Tuesday Campaign 

However, it’s not so surprising that no one else in his family posted a black square on their social media timeline with the exception fo his daughter, Tiffany.

In a strange turn of events, she hit the ‘Gram calling for justice for George Floyd along with a quote from Hellen Keller.

“Alone we can achieve so little; together we can achieve so much.”- Helen Keller #blackoutTuesday #justiceforgeorgefloyd,” Tiffany captioned the post.


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”Alone we can achieve so little; together we can achieve so much.”- Helen Keller #blackoutTuesday #justiceforgeorgefloyd

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