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Kerry Washington Reveals How She Knew Her Dad Wasn’t Her Biological Father 



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Kerry Washington Reveals How She Knew Her Dad Wasn't Her Biological Father

Kerry Washington Reveals How She Knew Her Dad Wasn’t Her Biological Father

Kerry Washington is opening up about a family secret and this one she found out not too long ago!

In her new memoir, “Thicker Than Water”, the 46-year-old recalls learning in 2018 that the man she calls “Dad” is not her biological father.

Kerry was planning on premiering on an episode of PBS’ “Finding Your Roots.” The show allows celebrities to learn about their ancestors but it requires DNA testing.

Kerry’s mother, Valerie, and the man she believed was her father, Earl, reached out to Henry Gates who hosts the show. Gates informed them it would be best to break the news to Kerry before filming.

Her parents then invited her to have a sit-down conversation where they broke the news. Kerry says she always knew something in her life was missing. “I didn’t know what my story was, but I was playing the supporting character in their story,” she wrote.

Kerry’s parents used an anonymous sperm donor after struggling with fertility issues. She says her parents weren’t happy about her revealing this secret in her book, but she values telling her true story more.

“This is really kind of me working to understand my life up until now, given this new information that I have that, in many ways, felt like sort of the missing puzzle piece,” she said.

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