Moniece Slaughter Terminated Her Pregnancy At 29 Weeks Due To Heart Condition

Moniece Slaughter Reveals She Terminated Her Pregnancy At 29 Weeks Due To Heart Condition & Her Ex Husband Abandoned Her After Surgery
Moniece Slaughter recently revealed why she had to choose to terminate her pregnancy and it has left a lot of people teary and emotional. She made the revelation in a video posted online, explaining that she suffers from a heart condition and that her ex-husband abandoned her shortly after the surgery.
“For everybody that’s calling me a liar about my pregnancy– If you were there for me, I love you. I appreciate you. You saw the medical papers and the ultrasounds and you were there for me on the day of my DNC. I’m grateful,” she began in the emotional clip.
“I am tired. To say that you can’t believe that I was married to my husband because you think I lied about a pregnancy, a pregnancy that I bled out three times for, was hospitalized for, fought tooth and nail to keep. I had my thumbs tied on the table on the day of my DNC. I will never experience motherhood again the natural way and that’s fine.”
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She continued, “But I had to do it. I had to do it on a heart condition. And I chose the best route for me which was I chose to terminate at 29 weeks– almost full term. If anybody wants to know, let’s just put it to rest. Let’s just put it to bed. Let’s just move on.”
“Y’all could believe my mother. Y’all could believe whoever you want but the people that were there were there. They saw my stomach. They saw my daughter kicking, they saw my stomach moving. I was in the dentist for prenatal gingivitis.”
Moniece added, “My teeth were cracking at the crown… I was cracking teeth. You want to know what happened to my show? I wasn’t willing to film losing my child, that I didn’t have a stillborn, I didn’t miscarry, I chose, I made a decision for my ex-husband, the man that described me as the woman of his dreams, introduced me to his children, spent time around my son, answered my phone when I was down after my surgery.”
Slaughter then revealed her ex husband was in a group chat with her and her family to denounce their marriage and marriages that she hold sacred.
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