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Woman Beaten After Confessing To Purposely Infecting Men With Herpes



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NY Woman Mercilessly Beaten After Confessing To Purposely Infecting Men With Herpes, Chlamydia & Gonorrhea - Video

NY Woman Mercilessly Beaten After Confessing To Purposely Infecting Men With Herpes, Chlamydia & Gonorrhea – Video

A New York woman was brutally attacked over the weekend, and she may end up facing criminal charges as well – after she admitted in a viral video that she knowingly infected multiple Black men with herpes.

The woman posted a video on Friday – where she confessed that she’s currently infected with three sexually transmitted diseases – herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea.

The woman – who is Caucasian – disclosed in the same video that she dates primarily African American men, and that all of her alleged victims were Black men.

NY Woman Mercilessly Beaten After Confessing To Purposely Infecting Men With Herpes, Chlamydia & Gonorrhea

And she didn’t seem all that sorry for infecting her partners and for passing along at least one an incurable disease, herpes. The woman explained, “I was a victim at one point, and now all of the people I f**ked with are victims.” And she added, “And for you cheaters out there, that’s why you [shouldn’t] cheat in Binghamton[, NY.]”

The video quickly went viral, all across the city – and a group of men who were romantically associated with the woman ran down on her – at a strip mall.

The men held the woman, until a few of her alleged victims’ babys mothers came to the scene and the women beat her mercilessly.

