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Superfly Actor Kaalan Walker Lied About Knowing Drake As A Way To ‘Lure’ Girls



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Alleged Serial Rapist Kaalan Walker, Lied About Knowing Drake As A Way To ‘Trap’ Girls

Alleged Serial Rapist Kaalan Walker, Lied About Knowing Drake As A Way To ‘Trap’ Girls

According to Rolling Stone, Superfly actor and rapper Kaalan Walker once “manipulated” a 16-year-old girl into getting on camera in a spontaneous sex tape at his home while her mother, who believed her daughter was taking pictures for headshots, stayed outside, a prosecutor advised jurors Wednesday in closing arguments at Walker’s serial rape trial in Los Angeles.

Walker was 22 years old at the time and purportedly expressed to the girl he could put her in contact with the famous rapper Drake if she solely followed his lead, Deputy District Attorney Cynthia Wallace explained, adding that Walker name-dropped Drake with most of the 10 young Jane Does who accused him of rape. 

“There’s no evidence he had any connection to Drake. It was just a thing that he used to lure the girls in. It was a trap, a ruse, his way of getting these girls,” Wallace revealed to Rolling Stone.

Speaking to the jury, Wallace announced once Walker got the teen girl from her mom that day in 2017 and began asking about her career goals, he invaded the girl’s dream to be a Victoria’s Secret model.

“We’ve got to take more provocative photos. We’ve got to sexualize you a little bit,’” Walker allegedly told the girl as he convinced her to strip down to her underwear, Wallace said.

“He talked about Drake, taking her to a Drake party. What does he tell her? ‘Well, you know what? If you want to do all of these things, if you want to be at parties with Drake, if you want to be a Victoria’s Secret model, you know what we have to do? We have to film a sex tape,’” Wallace said. “He’s a 22-year-old man telling a 16-year-old girl, ‘We have to film a sex tape.’”

The girl testified during the six-week trial that she resisted “multiple times,” but Walker “doesn’t take no for an answer,” Wallace said.

“He keeps insisting, pushing and persisting, talking over her,” and eventually wearing the girl down until she finally relented, Wallace said. “She said, ‘Well, I thought: ‘He knows all these people. He’s going to help me.’ I thought what I was doing was going to help my career.’”


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