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Florida Officials Declined To File Murder Charges Against Susan Lorincz Who Shot & Killed Ajike Owens Through A Closed Door



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Florida Officials Declined To File Murder Charges Against Susan Lorincz Who Shot & Killed Ajike Owens Through A Closed Door Over iPad Dispute

Florida Officials Declined To File Murder Charges Against Susan Lorincz Who Shot & Killed Ajike Owens Through A Closed Door Over iPad Dispute

Officials have declined to file murder charges against Susan Lorincz, who shot and killed her neighbor, Ajike Owens, through a closed door.

Florida officials cited insufficient evidence as the reason.

If you can recall, Ajike “AJ” Shantrell Owens was accused by her neighbor of trespassing after she knocked on her door to retrieve an iPad she believed the neighbor had.

Owens’ children had left the iPad in a field that they were playing in and the woman allegedly took it. Orlando police say there was an incident that occurred between Owens’ children and the neighbor, which caused Owens and the neighbor to have what they call an “aggressive” interaction at the neighbor’s house.

They say the interaction involved “banging on doors and/or threats being made.” Many believe the shooting was racially motivated since Owens is a black woman and the neighbor is white.

Ajike’s family was hoping to have the manslaughter charge upgraded to murder. But officials say they would need more evidence.

“In order to prove the crime of second-degree murder, the State must prove bevond and to the exclusion of ever reasonable doubt, the existence of a depraved mind toward the victim at the time of the killing. Depraved mind requires evidence of hatred, spite, ill will,” they explained.
