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Tabitha Brown Says She Doesn’t Allow Her Husband To Be Friends With Women



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Tabitha Brown Says She Doesn't Trust Another Woman Around Her Husband

Tabitha Brown Says She Doesn’t Trust Another Woman Around Her Husband

Tabitha Brown and her husband Chance seem to have one of the best relationships on social media. But is it?

Yesterday Tabitha and Chance created a joint video together, where she explained certain rules she has for the man in her life.

Rule number one is that he is not allowed to have any female friends.

According to Tabitha, she’s not trying to let another woman get close to her husband, and possibly steal him away. Chance seemed to go along with Tabitha’s edict.

“ALLOW”, he’s a grown man. She evidently doesn’t trust him, he’s going to do whatever he wants whether she allows it or not. He might be more inclined to hook up with other women because the way she’s treating him is offensive,” a fan commented.

“No married person should have FRIENDS of the opposite sex. That’s what your partner is supposed to be,” another person wrote.

Tabitha just signed a multi-million dollar deal with Target, to carry her products. Chance, who used to work as a police officer, recently quit his job and is now working as part of Tabitha’s team.

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