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Austrian Store Closes Down After Brazilian Spider That Causes Painful Long Lasting Erection Was Found



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Brazilian Spider That Causes Painful Long Lasting Erection

Store In Austria Closes Down After Brazilian Spider That Causes Painful Long Lasting Erection Was Found

According to the New York Post, a supermarket in Austria has been shut down this week after a venomous Brazilian wandering spider was found clinging to bananas.

What’s even stranger than this is that one bite from this side of spider can cause long-lasting, yet painful erections.

The Penny Market, forty-five minutes outside Vienna, has been closed since Tuesday after the spider was found. The store manager called for the fire department who were unable to capture the black and red spider.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is about 4 inches and has a venom that can cause your blood pressure to rise and pain throughout your body. Its venom can also stimulate a painful erection for hours.

Dr. Romulo Leite, who has studied the spider before, said, “The erection is a side effect that everybody who gets stung by this spider will experience along with the pain and discomfort.

We’re hoping eventually this will end up in the development of real drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.”

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