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Atlanta Buckhead Luxury Apartment Residents Want Answers After Gnats Engulf Complex

Atlanta Buckhead Luxury Apartment Residents Want Answers After Gnats Engulf Complex

Residents of a luxury apartment in Buckhead, Atlanta are furious after their complex recently became engulfed with gnats, causing their home life to be a living hell.

All of these issues started after a disgruntled former resident of the Skyhouse Luxury Apartment Complex threw away a huge rug in the trash chute that caused it to become backed up. As a result of the trash not properly being disposed, some unwanted guests filled up the complex— thousands and thousands of gnats.

Residents say the issue is so bad that they can’t even live normally, they have to take the necessary measures to keep the gnats away and sometimes even that doesn’t work. With rent being over $3000, the tenants believe these problems need to be solved asap.

“It’s been super tough. I have to monitor Knox at all times,” Chase Peralta, father of 3, said to 11Alive about living in the complex. “There’s definitely been moments when we’ve had to re-sanitize as a result. As you can see, it’s everywhere. It’s damn near inhumane. I’ve never lived like this. “Being a parent, I have three kids,” Peralta said.

“My two-year-old got one stuck in his eye. My daughter is scared to leave her room to come hang out in the living room, because she doesn’t want to sit there and swallow gnats all day long.”

“I don’t think I should be paying rent next month. I’m just going to say that. A bunch of people don’t think that they should be paying rent here next month either,” said Bryce Folsom said to WSBTV. “I’m paying too much money to be living here and coming outside my room and seeing Gnats all over the place,” he said.

Management of the complex say they are working diligently to fix the issue, but have no timeline for when life will be back to normal.
