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Homeland Security Says Diddy Raid Was Based Off “Concrete” Allegations Collected From Victims



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Homeland Security Officer Said Diddy Raid Was Based Off "Concrete" Allegations Collected From Victims: "When Charges Come Down, We Will Get Him Wherever He Is"
Homeland Security Officer Said Diddy Raid Was Based Off “Concrete” Allegations Collected From Victims: “When Charges Come Down, We Will Get Him Wherever He Is”

As you already know, Diddy’s homes were raided stemming from allegations made in a sex trafficking lawsuit. Well, before bussin’ down his front doors, feds claim they talked to alleged victims who told them exactly what to look for.

In a statement to the NY post, an officer with the Department of Homeland Security said: “We believe that there is a disturbing history of sex trafficking.”

The officer went on to say, “We are responding to concrete, detailed, explicit allegations. This is not random. We didn’t choose his name out of a hat. We had allegations that we’re following up on.”

Feds collected a number of electronics, including phones and cameras from Diddy’s homes, associates and private Jet. Feds say the civil suits against Diddy, including Cassie’s, is what launched the investigation.

“You have to understand that we didn’t just decide on a whim to search his homes. A federal judge had to sign off. This isn’t a witch hunt,” the officer continued.

Feds claim there are specific people that Diddy allegedly communicated with that they are looking for additional proof of. This includes photos, emails, texts, itineraries, and more.

The officer says they are getting a lot of cooperation from alleged victims. Diddy hasn’t been charged with anything while the investigation is underway. However, the officer said; “He is free right now to do what he wants, but he is aware that if charges come down, we will get him — wherever he is.”

