Jalen Green Allegedly Got A Bottle Girl At Houston Club Pregnant

Jalen Green Allegedly Got Houston Bartender Pregnant, Same Due Date As Draya
Draya Michele was faced with heavy criticism after the 39-year-old Instagram model announced her pregnancy. She was accused of trapping 22-year-old NBA star Jalen Green, with pregnancy.
The backlash was so much that Draya had an emotional breakdown, saying she’s ‘struggling to breathe’ amid criticism of her pregnancy announcement.
While many thought she hit the jackpot by getting pregnant with Jalen’s baby, it appears the pregnancy is not as special as it seems. There are rumors swirling around that another woman is pregnant with Jalen Green’s baby.
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If this is true, Jalen who recently said his family and baby are his motivation, might just be following the footsteps of Nick Cannon who has a whole football team. Rumor has it that Jalen has another woman pregnant, a beautiful bottle girl at Club Onyx, now of Houston’s premiere Gentleman’s clubs.
“Draya is out here acting like she caught a prize with [Jalen Green] but he has another girl pregnant,” an insider said.
According to unconfirmed sources, the young lady, who is 25 years old, looks a lot like Draya. Same complexion, body type and they even have the same eyes. The young lady is reportedly six months pregnant – about same time as Draya’s.
“They have the same due date. Lol. Their babies are going to be twins, just with different mothers,” the insider added. We can’t confirm the authenticity of this for now, so please, take this rumor with a pinch of salt. Here’s Draya Michele, Jalen’s confirmed baby mama:
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