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YNW Melly Calls His Mom A ‘Bitch’ In Disrespectful Texts Read In Court



YNW Melly Curses His Mom In Disrespectful Texts Read In Court

YNW Melly Curses His Mom In Disrespectful Texts Read In Court

YNW Melly faced another shameful day in court after prosecutors read out text messages sent from him to his mother…where he appears to curse her out and disrespect her.

“There are a number of mothers on the jury who may be inclined to convict just because they have heard irrelevant, unrelated conversations between Mr. Demons [YNW Melly] and his mother,” Melly’s defense attorney argued to the judge.

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“He is calling her the b-word, and all sorts and manner of disrespect. That is clearly off-putting to anyone.”

He continued: “And under the pretext that [the State of Florida] is trying to prove that the phone belongs to Mr. Demons […] the state is introducing reams and reams, and tons and tons, of inadmissible evidence.”

The judge shot down the motion and allowed the prosecution the read out the texts in court…which will likely not go down well with the jury. If convicted, Melly could face the death penalty.

Folks online have since been reacting to the disrespect. “The enabling, negligent, absentee momma should be in prison right next to the demon that she begat,” someone commented.

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“No surprise. He is living up to his last name….Demon(s),” another person wrote. What do you think?
