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30-Year-Old Woman Caught On Camera Sexually Assaulting Her Dog



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30-Year-Old Woman Charged With Animal Abuse After Being Caught On Camera Sexually Assaulting Her Dog

30-Year-Old Woman Charged With Animal Abuse After Being Caught On Camera Sexually Assaulting Her Dog

A woman has just been charged for engaging in sexual acts with her dog after her ex-boyfriend found video footage of this taking place.

According the New York Post, 30-year-old Brittany McClure from Detroit was arrested and charged for sodomy and animal abuse on her and her ex’s dog, Max.

The ex-boyfriend found the footage of this act taking place while reviewing their surveillance footage where McClure can be heard saying “Good boy” to the dog. The ex-boyfriend turned in the six-minute long video into the police to report the act.

Taylor Police Department Deputy, Philip Collop, said in a statement in court that the “video…shows defendant Brittany McClure lying on the living room floor on a mattress with a blanket. She opens the blanket and calls the dog over.”

Another police officer, Lt. Frank Canning, said, “[It was] plain as day: his ex-girlfriend performing fellatio on their dog named Max and her attempts to get Max to reciprocate.

Kind of an interest in fetish stuff that was seen on the internet. I don’t know that any justification could justify these acts.

She did own up to performing these acts on Max.” McClure did own up to the acts and states that the this was the only time she did this with Max. She was held on $100K bond and ordered to stay away from animals.
