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A Pimp Speaking At His Friend’s Funeral Forgets He’s In The Church



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A Pimp Speaking At His Friend’s Funeral Forgot He Was At The Church
A Pimp Speaking At His Friend’s Funeral Forgot He Was At The Church

Just when I thought I’ve seen it all. A video is currently making rounds online, showing the moment a pimp forgot he was in the church while speaking at his friend’s funeral.

In the viral video, the man who many have branded a pimp was speaking at his friend’s funeral and he recounted some of his experiences uncensored.

“But the thing is .. I was eleven years old and I had a h*e,” the man began and the congregation burst into laughter. “And the Police used to pass by and say ‘what you doing..’ I’ll say ‘I’m waiting on my h*e’ and the police replied saying ‘eleven years old.. I ain’t never seen nothing like you,’” the man recounted adding that that was when he ran into his deceased friend.

The pastor in the church could take it any longer and he had to stand up to signal the pimp to round up his speech.

The video has since gone viral on social media, garnering lots of reactions from folks online. “Havin a ho3 at 11yo is crazy,” someone commented. “Them old heads be funny dab,” added another user.

“Let him speak it’s the last time he’ll see his friend, memories all we got after that, it’s always best to share good times they last longer,” another person wrote. “If “COME AS YOU ARE” was a Person,” someone else penned.

“What type of blasphemy is this?” a user queried. “Preacher was afraid he was going to steal the pulpit and really start preaching lol,” another netizen commented.
