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Restaurant Owner Invites Man For A Parking Lot Beatdown After Negative Review

Man Invited For A Parking Lot Beat Down By Restaurant Owner After Leaving Negative Review
Just when I though I’ve seen it all. A restaurant owner is not keeping things professional after a man left a negative review on his restaurant. He wants them to iron things out with their fist, man to man, instead. A TikTok video is currently making rounds online, exposing what transpired.
“I left a negative review for this restaurant and now the owner wants to fight me this Friday. And how do I know that?.. Well he sent me a Google calendar invite for this Friday called ‘Parking Lot Beatdown Session.’”
He continued, “And the description of the event: Parking Lot. Food will be served, knuckle sandwiches (spelt as sandwitches)” “How do you work at a restaurant and misspell the word ‘sandwiches’? the man said.
He left a negative review for this restaurant on google and now the owner wants to fight him.
The owner tricked him into emailing him..then sent him a google invite for a parking lot beat down this Friday.
— Jelly Santos (@MrsJellySantos) April 26, 2024
“So this weekend, my friend and I wanted to try a new place to eat.. so we found this place on Google. 4.3 stars, 7 reviews. So we get there, place wasn’t sh*t. They were only focused on food .. nothing else,” the man said, continuing that the food was inedible and they could not eat it.
“We could not eat it.. I won’t even feed that sh*t to my ex. Me and friends we are not confrontational people alright.. so we asked can we get a check.. he’s like ‘you haven’t touched your food.. is everything alright?’. We were like we’re not that hungry.. but he knew we were lying.”
The restaurant owner then came to discuss with them, taking about how no one has ever complained about the food and faulted their taste buds for not being used to good food. It turned to a heated argument and the man ended up leaving a negative Google review.
He then got a response saying he’ll get a $100 gift card after contacting an email address. The man then emailed him saying, “Hello, I’m the individual who left a negative review and had an unpleasant experience at your establishment. I was contacting you in reference to the giftcard?”
“I knew your broke ass was going to message me. I’m not giving you shit!!! Keep your shitty reviews to yourself,” the restaurant owner replied and few hours later, he sent an invite for a beat down.
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